
Posts Tagged ‘business’

Coffeehouse under construction

In Brew, Coffeehouse, Crowdfunding, General, The Van Zant Life on March 30, 2013 at 4:42 pm

We started to lease this old liquor store in February. It had been vacant for about a year. We jumped on the opportunity, because there was another business interested in the building and we had to get it before it got scooped up. It is in a prime location. It has a drive through, and we will be the only coffee drive through other than Starbucks at the outlet mall. It is on the main road into town from the highway.

We hired Jon Stone of Green Moon to come up with a design for the renovation.

The interior design

The interior design

We put paper in the windows while the renovation takes place.

Redbud Paper in the windows

Redbud Paper in the windows

We have a crowdfunding campaign that will cover about 1/3 of the cost, and we are working on securing the rest of the funding simultaneously.

Looking up the precipice

In Coffeehouse, Crowdfunding, General, The Van Zant Life on March 30, 2013 at 4:17 pm

We’ve put ourselves out there, to the world, we took a risk, we have a passion, a dream. We started from scratch. We bootstrapped this business and made something amazing. But we reached the point where the only way froward is straight up a wering cliff. We can’t do it alone. Help lift us over this obstacle!Image